Apples of Gold (Week 39/2023)

A word fitly spoken is like APPLES OF GOLD in a setting of silver – Proverbs 25v11

As we continue our meditations on wisdom in the Book of Proverbs, we come to “saying” number 9 which is found in chapter 23v6: “Do not eat the food of a stingy host, do not crave his delicacies; for he is the kind of person who is always thinking about the cost. ‘Eat and drink,’ he says to you, but his heart is not with you. You will vomit up the little you have eaten and will have wasted your compliment.”

At first glance this seems a random instruction for wise people, but it has a practical lesson for us. First of all, we need to remember the context is to do with Middle-Eastern hospitality in those days. A host gave his visitors the best meal he was able to afford without expecting any return – anything less was an insult. A stingy host was to be avoided because he was just performing a duty and actually begrudged the expense. His body language would be negative and fellowship with him left a nasty taste in the guest’s mouth because he was sending a message of insult. What lesson can we gain from this? Wise people do not fellowship with people who despise and insult them. Rather, they eat the food of a generous host who honours and respects them and puts into practice. 1 Peter 4v9 says: “Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling”.

We who are Christians should be so grateful for what the Lord has done for us that we should want to be people who give freely to others as Paul tells us in Romans 12v13: “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Wise people do this because they know an open heart is a joyous heart and like Abraham they are blessed – as we read in Hebrews 13v2: “Do not neglect hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it”.

God Bless

Graeme Greenwood