Week 42/2024
A word fitly spoken is like APPLES OF GOLD in a setting of silver – Proverbs 25v11
Let’s look at one of the amazing writings found in Proverbs 30v19: “The way of a serpent upon a rock”. Why is this amazing? What lesson does it teach us? Serpents and reptiles are cold blooded and if they do not get heat they slow down and eventually die. But what is amazing is that they choose a rock to gain warmth despite being vulnerable because they are exposed to predators and enemies. The rocks of Israel are limestone, and the rocks are weathered and rough and full of holes which is great for the serpent as they can quickly hide and disappear into crevices when danger threatens. The word Rock in the Bible always speaks of the Lord. Read 1 Samuel 2:2: “There is no one holy like the Lord, Indeed, there is no one besides You, Nor is there any rock like our God”. Man made gods like Adonis and Zeus which are physically beautiful, but our Lord had to suffer and be marred, as prophesied in Isaiah 52v14: “Just as there were many who were appalled at him–his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being and his form marred beyond human likeness”.
Like the limestone rock the serpent hides in, so we find shelter ‘in Christ”. Summed up in the hymn Rock of Ages cleft for me let me hide myself in thee”. So, are we serpents? Certainly not – but we can learn from them as Jesus said: “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be as wary as serpents, and as innocent as doves” in Matthew 10v16. What we learn from the serpents is that even though they expose themselves to danger by lying on a rock because they need to warm themselves, they are wary of what is going on around them and know where the nearest bolt hole in the rock is. No snake will take unnecessary risks – at the first sign of danger they will slide away. As believers we need to be close to the presence of the Lord as He is our rock and warmth, but we are then exposed to persecution from those who perceive us as a threat. Just like Jesus never exposed Himself to unnecessary confrontation nor did Paul who even used the laws of society like claiming Roman citizenship rights for protection and claiming safe passage, so we must be vigilant, awake and careful and utilise the protection afforded by the laws and those who are our guardians.
Romans 13 has much to say about authorities as appointed by God for our protection. We need to be wary as believers and flee from danger, temptation and persecution, and the greatest found in 1 Timothy 6v10: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from their faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness”.
May God help us to stay close to Him.
From the former writings of our late Graeme Greenwood