Apples of Gold – 17/10/2022

A word fitly spoken is like APPLES OF GOLD in a setting of silver – Proverbs 25v11


The 23rd Psalm is probably the best-loved poem in all literature. Whether sung by a few believers in a small country church or by a large choir accompanied by the London Philharmonic Orchestra or recited in a Sunday School Programme, it has that perennial ring of Divine beauty, dependence, humility and hope.

I love the fact that the deeply meaningful words: ’The Lord is my Shepherd’ were written by a shepherd. David’s father, Jesse, was also a shepherd so David would have grown up in a home where sheep and their wellbeing was constantly under discussion. He knew exactly what it meant to be a good shepherd. He knew that a good shepherd would be passionate about his sheep.  He would care for each sheep as if that sheep was the only one. He would know each sheep by name. He would place himself in danger for the benefit and safety of the sheep. He would plan ahead so that there would always be new fresh pastures for the sheep. In short, he would be passionately and totally invested in the overall wellbeing of every sheep.

When David wrote Psalm 23, he was already an older man who had a rich experience of Life. As a Shepherd, he had experienced God’s Protection against the Lion and the Bear. As a young Soldier, he experienced God’s Power and victory against Goliath and against many of the Heathen nations around them. As a King, he experienced God’s Forgiveness and Faithfulness . When he had fallen and given in to temptation and finally repented, God forgave him and restored him. Ultimately a man after Gods own heart! I also love the fact that David does not speak of A shepherd or THE shepherd but he gets up close and personal and speaks of the Lord as MY shepherd. That makes all the difference. For Psalm 23 to be more than fine literature, you have to know the Shepherd. Forgive this personal note, but as a husband and father of four, an ex-Headmaster and now a Pastor, I am eternally grateful to God that he opened my eyes to my need to also be a follower. Jesus spoke of Himself as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep – I don’t know of anyone better to follow. Some years back, when Michael Cassidy, a truly Godly man and CEO of Africa Enterprise was asked to address parliament he concluded his speech with these words: ‘For me to Follow you, I need to know who you are Following’.

With much Christian love,

Anton van Stormbroek