Apples of Gold – 16 January 2023

A word fitly spoken is like APPLES OF GOLD in a setting of silver – Proverbs 25v11

In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5v23, Jesus Christ commands “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” Please note He doesn’t say: If you have something against your brother which is the subject for next week. So, what is Jesus wanting us to learn?

First of all, it is clear from the context of this verse that it is about hurt caused by ill-advised and cruel words spoken to fellow believers. Secondly, this has never been resolved and over time conveniently forgotten by the perpetrator, but not by the injured person. Thirdly, when one is worshipping in a House of the Lord, one’s spiritual awareness is heightened. Fourthly, the Holy Spirit is grieved by unresolved conflict and so He does a supernatural thing which is to bring the matter to our remembrance. Fifthly, the injured party is part of the church community or else the instruction would be to take the offering away instead of just leaving it there until the matter is resolved. Sixthly, the response of the injured party is not our concern – our responsibility is to be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit who will then work in the heart of the injured party. Seventhly, God is pleased when we come to Him with a clear conscience as we read in the 24th Psalm: “Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart” and Psalm 133v1: “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

As we begin a new year let us prayerfully and sincerely determine to resolve any issues of which we are aware that are keeping us apart from each other. If they are important enough for Christ to die for, what right have we to leave them hurting? It requires a humble heart, but we will experience a fresh freedom in our Christian experience and worship when we obey the Lord’s command.

God Bless

Graeme Greenwood