Welcome to Plett Evangelical Fellowship

Our new building

After seven years our new church building was opened for worship on the 8 October 2023

Opening Weekend Photos

To view the photos, kindly taken by Esther Reid, of our Opening Weekend, please click on this link below:

Our Pastor

Anton and Dawn started the Fellowship in their home in 1994. Anton was the Headmaster of Plett Primary School [1991-2001]. Anton presently serves as the full-time Pastor.

A warm welcome

We support community initiatives that are sound and reach out to the poor and needy

Christ centred biblical teaching

Team-Teaching that is Biblical, Christ centred and Spirit led.

Welcome to Plett Evangelical Fellowship

Obedience to God’s Word in upholding the ordinances of believer’s baptism and the regular ‘breaking of bread’ [Communion].

Service Times

Sunday: 9am
Easter Friday: 9am
Christmas day: 8am & 10am

We meet every Sunday & Easter Friday at 9:00 and at 08:00 & 10:00 on Christmas day.

We warmly invite you to join us in:

  • Meaningful worship which includes hymns, choruses and modern songs
  • Team-Teaching that is Biblical, Christ-centred and Spirit-led.
  • Curriculum-based Sunday school teaching
  • Bilingual approach to all aspects of worship except the formal sermons that are delivered in English
  • Weekly Bible Studies, corporate prayer meetings, ladies’ and men’s groups
  • Youth and Children’s Ministries
  • Fellowship with refreshments after Sunday Services.

New church building

After seven years our new church building was opened for worship on the 8 October 2023. We are so abundantly grateful that this was achieved without debt due to the very generous donations of many local people as well as other South Africans and supporters from overseas.